Dream to reality
“My name is Luca and I am 25 years old. From a young age I have always passionate about bakery (patisserie) and my dream was to have my own pastry shop. Growing up, I discovered that this was truly my passion. I loved baking cakes and pies and over the years I made and ate a lot of them. I had professional experiences in different places and, as soon as I reached adulthood, this dream began to take shape and become a real project.
Despite many difficulties and problems, thanks to my determination, my stubbornness, my passion which hasnever abandoned me, my family and many sacrifices, at 23 years old, I finally achieved this dream. Its name is EMALU. »

My story
I come from a family of artisans. My father and my grandparents were carpenters, those of the past, real craftsmen. They work wood from its rawest form, the tree log. And I do the same. I define myself as a REAL artisan because I prepare everything from scratch with ingredients of the highest quality and almost always local. Nowadays, there are a lot of bad products or bad imitations on the market. Industrial ingredients, mixtures, ready-to-eat foods, etc. I hate all that. It makes no sense to be a pastry chef if you take all these shortcuts. I’m a pastry chef and I make everything from scratch. I create what I want to taste and make people taste it. In my laboratory, the most important fresh ingrdients are flour, sugar, eggs, milk, butter, fruits and yeast as well as the people who surround me. I’ve been making my oxn leaven for quite a while now. It is the guarantor of all our sourdough products. All our production is authentic. It is important take inspiration from someone better than us, just always try not to imitate but try to make your own versions.
All this also applies to our ice cream, which I define as natural because here too we do not use anything prepared, only fresh products such as milk and fresh cream, sugar, fresh seasonal fruit or fruit as well as premium chocolate and carob flour (a natural thickener used by ancient ice cream makers). I wanted to include the cafeteria inside my pastry shop because I am a coffee enthusiast. I’ve studied it a lot and the world behind “coffee” is truly huge and fascinating… We have an espresso machine which is the Ferrari of espresso machines, it’s completely handmade. We use cutting-edge technology to guarantee an excellent coffee. Our blend is composed almost entirely of Arabica and the roasting is also artisanal, just a few kilometers away. We have the “slow food” label and therefore only produce high quality coffee. For our aperitifs, we also offer savory pastries and various drinks. We take care of take-out buffets and full catering services.

Il team
I consigliati
Nella nostra pasticceria tutti prodotti vengono ideati e realizzati con cura e con le migliori materie prime.
Prelibatezze tutte da gustare preparate con passione dal nostro Luca e il suo staff.
La bignolata è il nostro pezzo forte da non perdere.


Panettone al Pistacchio
Soffice e avvolgente, un impasto delicatamente insaporito da pistacchio puro di Bronte.

Panettone cioccolato e pere
Un morbido impasto al cacao, impreziosito con le migliori Pere Williams.

Panettone Tradizionale
Soffice, profumato e dal gusto inconfondibile: sono queste le caratteristiche principali di uno dei più classici dei panettoni.

Dolci alle mandorle e ripieni con ganache di cioccolato o creme leggere al burro.
![Dario Rovere • studio[ph]dariorovere Dario Rovere • studio[ph]dariorovere](https://www.emalupasticceria.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Book-FEBBRAIO-2022-23-e1669731886570-100x100.jpg)
Pasta di mandorle
Dolci secchi tipici della tradizionale pasticceria pugliese.
![Dario Rovere • studio[ph]dariorovere Dario Rovere • studio[ph]dariorovere](https://www.emalupasticceria.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Book-FEBBRAIO-2022-9-e1669731789969-100x100.jpg)
Dolci da forno
Rivisitazione del dolcetto più goloso americano, in una golosa torta vegana.
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